Self-love ~ Healing ~ Freedom

you have just forgetten who you are.

Do you ever feel tired of the fight to survive, and to feel good?   Do you sometimes look up to the heavens and say, I can’t take it anymore!  I can’t live like this anymore?  There must be something wrong with me!  There has got to be more to life than this! (There 1000% is) 


And then what?  You experience a temporary release but you get right back up to forge your path forward?  


You have arrived at the right place.  There is nothing wrong with you AND life/God/the Universe/Spirit is wanting to move through you to take you to a place you have long forgetten – back to your divine, whole, worthy self.

You may be asking, 'how did I get here?'

The short answer is: programming.


From a very young age many girls were taught how to ‘be a good girl’.  


Some were hushed, some experienced abuse in some way or witnessed abuse in the home. Some were bullyed. Some were emotionally neglected, some were told how to act, and behave. Some had to take care of parents and siblings at a young age and some had none of this.


Many women describe their upbringing and family experience as being positive and many women did experience trauma and did not have a good family experience.


Many had traumatic events happen in their teen years and beyond. Are we really equipped to handle such a heavy load? I don’t think so but we sure do try.


But what is common is how many women feel small even when they have already achieved a level of success. Deep within there are feelings of loneliness, disconnection, feeling unseen, unheard, feeling misunderstood and feel a deep unhappiness.


We feel scared to speak up for ourselves, go against what others want and step out on our own path.


We are scared to go to our next level so we subconsciously hold ourselves back and settle for what we have.


We are scared to have boundaries with others and succumb to the passive aggressive behaviour of others and experience toxic relationships.


All this because we have learned, through the experiences we have had up to this point in life is:


But now you are ready to pour all that love into yourself &
come home to the woman you truly are.

How you get there

To be able to heal we need to see the wounding that is causing unwanted feelings of loneliness, insecurity, low self-worth and self-esteem.


We cannot heal what we can’t see.  It’s difficult to see because is mostly subconscious beliefs we created.


If you are like I was, who you show yourself to the world as may not be the same as how you feel about yourself on the inside. 


This is where we start.



This is self-love.


You learned that love, and validation came from people-pleasing which has created co-dependent relationships.


You have also learned that you receive love, acknowledgment and validation from others when you do give to others.


Giving and helping others is a positive thing when you are giving and helping from a place of inner emotional and mental well-being; not sacrificing yourself or your own boundaries.


It’s a shift in believing that you deserve the same love, connection, attention and care that you pour into others.


That you are absolutely deserving and worthy of having healthy relationships. 


That you are good person even though you have boundaries and take care of yourself and your needs. 


You are 1000% deserving of all the happiness and ease you have ever dreamed of.

Up until now, your inner beliefs about yourself has created you seeing yourself a certain way, as a certain type of person.


You see, you have created an incorrect inner-perception of who you are. 


Let’s change this.


When you heal and pour love into yourself you begin to see yourself in a completely different way.  This new self-image attracts different people and experiences into your life.

Many things happen when heal and love yourself

You are Divine ~ You are whole ~ You are worthy

I will show you the way.

Self-love Coach

I am Iris Sirianni. I am a former people-pleaser having co-dependent intimate, family and work relationships. Always looking for someone to tell me that what I was doing and who I was, was good enough. Always looking for the approval of others. Coined from a very young age as too sensitive, naive, flighty, and not very smart because I didn't process information quickly or in a way that others did, one can only imagine how I saw myself and how that held me back my entire life. I know how my life has transformed since being on my own healing path. I know what it takes to heal, accept and let go, trust and believe in something greater than myself and how that changes one's life. I've done it and continue to do it for myself and I am ready to show you the way.

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Change Happens when you

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