Can I trust you with my heart

In a vulnerable state, tears can spring to your eyes as you tap into the deeper meaning of what that means for you and the fear that lives behind those words.

For people who have experienced a lot of heartbreak and pain they have a hard time trusting other people, being vulnerable, opening up and letting others in.

What to do with your unworthiness triggers

We suppress and ignore unhealed pain but the right people will always show up to show you what you need to look at. They say or do something that triggers a reaction and almost all the time it triggers how you feel about yourself, specifically around your feelings of worthiness and whether you are good enough.

3 ways you can create a self-love practice that does not make you feel or ‘appear’ selfish

We think that self-love is selfish or others will see us as being selfish but it’s not like that at all. In this episode I’m going to share 3 ways in which you can create a self-love practice that does not make you feel or ‘appear’ selfish.

How to be an adult (David Richo)

We are born with inalienable emotional needs for love acceptance freedom, attention, validation of or feelings and physical holding.

Healthy identity is based on the fulfillment of these needs.