I just want someone to love me for me & your inner child

‘I just want someone to love me for me.’ It is the most common thing I hear from both men and women when it comes to relationships.

What you may not have an awareness of is that the one saying this is your inner child and that is what this episode is all about;

Rebuilding Your Self Worth & the Image You Have of Yourself

How does your self worth get crushed and how does the image you have of yourself get created.

What would your life be life if you saw yourself different?

Is it narcissism or selfishness & avoidance

https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/48564795/download.mp3 The term ‘narcissist’ seems to have become the wide-casting buzz word we now use to describe a person we are in a ‘toxic’ relationship with. Some people really are narcissists but some people are just selfish, self-absorbed and avoidant. Some relationships are truly toxic causing psychological distress but some are unhealthy and are not… Continue reading Is it narcissism or selfishness & avoidance

When you’ve lost your sense of self

You may not always recognize the person looking back at you in the mirror. You may have become disconnected from who you are and lost your sense of self.   We all experience shifts in our identity at various times in life and it doesn’t feel good. It’s confusing and it can feel like you are… Continue reading When you’ve lost your sense of self