Are your relationships impacting your income?


Have you ever considered how your relationships affect your income and growth potential?

While I whole-heartedly believe that you need to believe in yourself and what is possible for you, and you also need to clear your own beliefs about money, interestingly enough the relationships you have will either support your financial growth or they will take away from it.

Relationships will either support your financial growth or they will take away from it.

Relationships can stop the flow of your income potential in many ways.  

Consider a relationship where there is a lot of fighting and substance use to numb the pain. 

A lot of emotional energy is spent thinking about how to cope, the disappointment, hurt, anger, and resentment, and how bad you feel. Your thoughts linger throughout your day.  You may talk about it.  You may try to put it out of your mind.  Regardless,  energy is still being given to the disharmony; consciously and subconsciously.

Where attention goes, energy flows so instead of focussing on new creative ideas and the feeling you have when you are fully immersed in contributing to whatever your chosen career is, your energy is being diverted to the chaos and drama of the unhealthy relationship, not on your potential.

Consider a relationship where your partner feels threatened by your success.

A partner who doesn’t see potential in themselves will not be able to support you in your ambitions and will feel threatened by your success.

Often you’ll hear things such as:

  •  that’s pretty ambitious of you, or
  •  how are you going to pull that off, or
  •  we can’t afford for you to do that, or
  •  if you do that, where does that leave me? 

This is because when you rise up it mirrors back to them their own doubts, fears, and insecurities. This energy holds you back from your potential and what I see, a lot, are women who will play small, second-guess and doubt themselves because they don’t want to be ridiculed or laughed at.  They subconsciously start to take on the beliefs of their partner

Consider relationships that steal your focus & drain your bank account.

These relationships are not just romantic in nature.  These also include children, other family members, friends, and co-workers and have everything to do with your boundaries.

There is a saying:

Your lack of planning and preparation does not constitute an emergency on my part

As harsh as this statement may sound it is a challenging boundary that is worth the effort to embrace.

These particular relationship dynamics are ones that cause you to lose focus and create energy leaks that leave you feeling drained emotionally and financially.

Here is how these relationships work.

  • When someone is in need you drop what you are doing to help.  It makes you feel needed but allows you to be distracted and procrastinate about fully stepping into what you are creating and working towards. Why?  because you have invested your time and energy into someone else’s situation, and taken care of their needs before you took care of your own needs.  You have drained your energy and have a difficult time refocussing on what you were doing.  What you wanted to get done today is put off for another day.  
  • Friends and family members may pull at your purse-strings – usually giving more than what they were asking for with a questionable repayment plan or plan for them to figure out their finances. This drains your bank account making you resentful and working twice as hard to reach your financial goals or going without.

There is nothing wrong with giving of your time and your money but when there is an ounce of resentment in the giving then a change in you seeing your value is needed.  

Your time, your money, and your energy are valuable.  There is nothing wrong with checking in with yourself to see if you have the time or the energy to invest before jumping in to help someone. 

There is nothing wrong with letting someone know that you will call/be there, etc. after you have finished what you are doing.

I believe in giving without expectation and being generous when you feel moved to do so however when the giving is taken advantage of a bigger conversation is needed.

There is nothing wrong with letting someone figure it out for themselves while you support them with tools that empower them vs doing it for them.

Like the saying goes: you can bring the fish to feed the village or you can teach the village how to fish so they can feed themselves.

Complimentary Assessment

Relationships will always mirror how you feel about yourself;

  • you will tolerate bad behaviour or let someone go because you acknowledge they are not right for you. 
  • you will try to jump through hoops trying to prove you are good enough or you will choose to see that enough is never good enough for the wrong person or people.
  • you will keep quiet to keep the peace or stand up for yourself and speak your truth.
  • you will sacrifice your happiness so another can be happy or you will ask for what you need and want.

I want to help you reconnect to who you truly are so you see your value, know your worth, and truly embrace the power that is within you.

One way I do that is by offering complimentary assessments to women who are ready to change the patterns and dynamics that are keeping her hidden and small.

The assessment is to help you understand yourself, your patterns and beliefs, what you need and where to focus your attention so you can start to make the changes you have been wanting for so long.

I’m doing this because I want to help you realize you can be both feminine AND powerful, have beautiful supportive relationships, healthy, strong boundaries and truly change your life.


If you feel ready for an assessment, I invite you to click the button below. It will be time and energy well-spent for us both of us.

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