Are your relationships impacting your income?

Have you ever considered how your relationships affect your income and growth potential? While I whole-heartedly believe that you need to believe in yourself and what is possible for you, and you also need to clear your own beliefs about money, interestingly enough the relationships you have will either support your financial growth or they… Continue reading Are your relationships impacting your income?

There is nothing wrong with you. It’s just unhealed trauma.

What’s below the surface of the iceberg is fairly massive so if you were to chip away at it, it could be a bit of work but it would be a worthwhile thing to do to start healing, right? Healing isn’t a step-by-step process; first do this, then that, then these next few things, and Voila! Healed. No-no-no. If it were that easy everyone would do it, right!

Trauma is layered because there is the initial trauma (usually childhood but not always), then there are the life experiences that are layered on top of it which buries it deeper and deeper within.

How to Use the Tao to Heal

So many women (and men) are broken up, in the process of breaking up, are healing trauma after being in an abusive relationship, and dealing with feelings of unworthiness, powerlessness, rejection, abandonment, fear, and betrayal.

This is part of the life experience. It’s hard to understand why it has to be this way and makes no sense at all.