The process of recreating yourself and your life

Are you in the process of recreating yourself and your life?

It would be hard to count all the men and women, including myself, who have found themselves in a position where they needed to recreate themselves and their life.

Life happens for you. It can hurt you. You can find yourself on the top of your game one minute and in tears the next minute watching your world crumble down around you.

As tragic as that may sound, we do flow through life in and out of cycles.  Each cycle teaches you more about who you are and who you want to be. 

The ‘world crumbling all around you’ doesn’t happen with each cycle.  Some cycles are less intense but I believe eventually everyone experiences it at one point in life.  This is a good thing in spite of how crappy it can be at the time.

Those are the experiences that have the greatest influence on your inner-recreation that allow you to define who you want to be moving forward.

I think the easiest way for me to describe the process is with the wisdom of the Tarot.

NOTE:  If you are afraid of tarot, as I used to be, I promise you there is only healing energy supporting these cards. 

There are two cards in the Tarot deck that I would describe falling apart; the Devil and the Tower.

There are also two cards in the Tarot deck that I would describe rebuilding;  the Hermit and the Queen of Swords

And there is one card that I would describe as the emerging of the new you; the Empress

The Process

The Devil

The devil, for me, represents our ego and our excess.  It represents the chains we have tied around ourselves that keep us hostage to our beliefs about who we are, and what we are worthy of. It also represents our unhealthy habits; substance abuse, food, gambling, retail therapy, gossip, creating drama, patterns of thought that keep us in toxic relationships of all types, not just romantic. These are the self-imposed ties that bind us.

The more we allow the chains to tighten around us the worse we feel about ourself and our life. 

Life happens FOR you!  It may feel absolutely horrible but the pain is showing you the very part of you that needs to be set free and healed.

The pain comes with your intuition telling you that something has to change but you need to listen and be courageous in following your inner guidance.

The Tower

I love the tower, personally.  The lightning (aka a big or small life event) that shows up in our life to shock us and sometimes shatter the illusion we have created for ourselves. Most often the tower becomes the event that significantly changes our life.  Notice that it is card 16 and follows card 15, the Devil

It is the Universes way of saying,

‘I love you and you’ve been ignoring the signs. You have been wandering down the wrong path for too long and now I’m stepping in to get you on your right path.’

We do that, don’t we!  Ignore the signs.

Never have I ever met someone who experienced a tower moment who knew that they were on the wrong path but fear was holding them back from making a change.

Healing & Rebuilding

the Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit is just as described.  It is going within to spend some time taking care of your inner world. 

There are many times in life when we need to shut out the outer world so we have time to reflect on who we are and who we want to be. 

You can ask yourself, ‘Who am I?’ and ‘What am I?’ The answer may not come to you in that instant however it takes you deeper into yourself and there is where you will have your answer.

It allows you to ponder the mysteries of life, and connect to greater consciousness and awareness.  You will find peace and connection with the Hermit energy and in your own time, you will emerge renewed and stronger than you have ever been.

the Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

There are no genders in Tarot as they represent energy. 

Kings and Queens represent strength and wisdom.  The Queen of Swords represents compassion and your inner wisdom and strength.  The Sword cuts out what no longer belongs in your life.

  • It takes strength and courage to leave a toxic relationship.
  • It takes strength and courage to move to a new location to pursue your goals and dreams.
  • It takes strength and courage to leave unhealthy habits behind because a.) you are creating a new life and lifestyle, and b.) you will need to leave the people behind that do not support who you are becoming.  

You become . . .

the Empress

The Empress

The beautiful energy of fertility and all things new.  

This is YOU stepping into a new version of yourself.  Someone you have never been before with fresh hope and optimism of wonderful things to come.  The Empress is about creating a new life that you love and is brimming with potential and infinite possibilities.

  • You have gone within.
  • You have released what is no longer meant to be in your life.
  • You have healed.

Now you get to choose who you want to be moving forward and you get to choose the new life experiences you would like to have.

Where ever you are in your own process of recreation know that it is a process that is not a straight line.  There is also no set timeframe for when you emerge as your own Empress. It is your process and you get to take all the time you need.

Love to you.

I hope you found this helpful!

Would you like to have a reading?

I love divination!  It has helped me during my re-creation process and it has helped many people who I have read for find the guidance and clarity they are searching for.

Readings can be recorded and sent to you with a private link to watch at your convenience or you can be live with me through Zoom.  You can ask me questions as we go and it can take as little or long as you need but on average readings are 30 minutes and cost $50.

If you would like to book a private reading with me simply click the button below.

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