The process of recreating yourself and your life

Are you in the process of recreating yourself and your life? It would be hard to count all the men and women, including myself, who have found themselves in a position where they needed to recreate themselves and their life. Life happens for you. It can hurt you. You can find yourself on the top… Continue reading The process of recreating yourself and your life

An anxious attachment style in relationships

  Click to watch the video This is part 1 of a 3-part series on attachment styles with the intention of helping you understand yourself and the patterns that are present in your romantic relationships that are causing distress in your life. Attachment styles are what we need to emotionally and intimately connect in… Continue reading An anxious attachment style in relationships

How guilt sabotages boundaries!

You may believe that boundaries are only needed in your romantic relationships but that’s not true.   There is a saying:  How you do anything is how you do everything which means that if you have flimsy or no boundaries in your romantic relationships chances are that you also have flimsy or no boundaries with your boss/co-workers,… Continue reading How guilt sabotages boundaries!

Why you shouldn’t make your body wrong for their bad behaviour.

She said this out loud! I recently created an account on TikTok (TikTok is a less than 60s social media video platform) to see what it was all about.  I had no idea what to expect but I am quite surprised to see the people of the world sharing their talents, wisdom, tips, pets and stories.  What… Continue reading Why you shouldn’t make your body wrong for their bad behaviour.